After identifying a few lenses that have been in their posts and use a camera that fits in now learn to understand the mode Nikon Speedlite - TTL and TTL-BL and the popularity of studying these differences are also very important because everything relating to working way you who want to become a photography, it never hurts read a little article is to add your insights about the world jour photography.
TTL (Through the lens) the way it works is the camera measures the quantity of light required to illuminate the subject of the picture automatically through the lens. That necessitated by this mode is the main subject (which is in focus) light. This mode does not take into account the background lighting.
TTL-BL (Through the lens - Balance) take into account all parts of the picture, both the main subject, as well as background from side to side, top bottom. After measuringeverything, the new camera and flash to determine the best settings so that the background and the subject of the picture balanced lighting.
If the background is brighter than the subject of the photo, the flash will give off light with a large quantity so that images look the same subject with a bright background.
Conversely, if the dark more photos subject of subject of the picture, the flash will give off light with a small quantity, so that offset the background. If your camera mode in the form of auto or semi auto (Aperture priority (Av / A) or Shutter priority (S / Sv)), then the camera will automatically balance the lighting between the flash and camera settings. The result is photographs that seem more natural and less plasticity that youuse the flash because the flash of light and the background has been mixed. After identifying a few lenses that have been in their posts and use a camera that fits in now learn to understand the mode Nikon Speed lite - TTL and TTL-BL and the popularity of studying these differences are also very important because everything relating to working way you who want to become a photography, it never hurts read a little article is to add your insights about the world jour photography.
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